Yi jing jing
Yi jing jing

yi jing jing

Tendon training is not complicated but it does require perseverance. You understand now why Yi Jin Jing exercises are so important in martial arts training. And this inner strength is the fundamental focus of internal martial arts training. Since this force is generated by the quality of a person’s qi and tendon strength, rather than by their muscles, a small, lightweight person who masters this force, can demonstrate as much, or even more strength (in certain ways), than a heavyweight body builder whose pure muscle strength may be considerably greater. It is a more internal and elastic (yin) force, which inner martial artists refer to as ‘Jin’ 勁. Also, this force differs from the force that is generated by muscles.

yi jing jing

From this, you can infer that the force generated by the tendons, is influenced by their length and elasticity. The top part is the shortened version of 竹, and translates as ‘bamboo’, a very long and elastic plant left part is 月, meaning ‘moon’, which also represents yin as well as organic matters the right part is 力, which means force. If you look at the Chinese character of 筋, it has 3 parts. 「筋長一寸,力大一分。」 The second sentence means when your tendons grow an inch longer, your physical power increases by 10%. As a result of these unhealthy habits, the aforementioned patterns of chronic pain, prevalent mostly among the older population, are increasingly becoming more commonly seen in younger generations, who, biologically speaking, are ‘catching up’ with their elders. and far less time is spent doing physical work. Nowadays, due to the technological revolution, most people spend far more time than ever before, sitting (often with poor posture) in front of their TVs, computers, smartphones, etc. A weekly tendon training routine with Yi Jin Jing exercises can help your qi flow smoothly and your body be healthy. That’s why TCM says: 「骨正筋柔,氣血自流」, meaning: if your bones are aligned properly and the tendons are elastic, blood and qi flow will naturally be smooth. If left untreated over a prolonged period of time, this can lead to numbness in these areas resulting from the reduced blood and qi circulation. For example: as your tendons contract, this potentially can pull the muscles and bones attached to them, thereby causing skeletal misalignments that frequently can result in the sort of chronic pain commonly experienced in the neck, shoulders, back and legs. Since our tendons (in the TCM usage of the term) cover, connect, and protect every single organ, nerve and muscle fiber in the body, if they are weakened, many health issues can arise. As we age, our tendons shorten and lose their original elasticity. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the term tendons also applies to ligaments and fascia. Tendon training, Yi Jin Jing exercises can help heal and keep your tendons healthy. However, the strength and suppleness of your tendons does strongly influence both your physical health, and your overall sense of somatic and psychological wellbeing. There is an old Chinese saying: 「筋長一寸,壽延十年。筋長一寸,力大一分。」 The first sentence means when your tendons grow an inch longer, you can live 10 years more.

Yi jing jing