NB: If you want to do this from the command line, you can use PuTTY's plink.exe to do the following, plink -ssh -D 9090 achieves the same thing without having to create a PuTTY profile or use the GUI. The whole thing is secure and invisible - it looks like a basic SSH connection to anything else on the network. Esto lleva al hecho de que el puerto 21 es de suma importancia, lo cual es necesario para abrir el servidor y enviarle comandos y el puerto. El puerto 21 se usa principalmente para administración, mientras que el puerto 20 es para transferencia de datos. The default data (that is used for active mode FTP) port is automatically set to one port less than the control port. Sin embargo, de manera predeterminada, FTP usa dos puertos específicos, a saber, 20 y 21. However, you can configure this system service through the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager snap-in. When you put in the target for the FTP connection, use the IP address not the hostname, because DNS resolution may still happen locally and you don't want that. FTP Publishing Service provides FTP connectivity. Here's what the FileZilla option needs to look like, The rest of the PuTTY config just remains the same - configure the ports (as shown) and then connect that PuTTY session to your Work machine via SSH. Works for anything with supports SOCKS and that includes FTP. It'll open a connection through that to the host you ssh to (your work machine) and then connect from there, to any IP address you give it.
There is command line that does the magic and enables FTP clients to connect to remote FTP servers port 21 via Windows Server 2022 NAT: netsh routing ip nat delete ftp. Configure FileZilla to use it as a SOCKS proxy (see below). In short, by default Windows Server 2022 NAT blocks FTP for any reason, and this fact is not widely advertised or well documented. 9 beg your pardon - used wrong user in putty :-(now I get: xinetd is running.

and check that ftp port is open with lsof -i tcp:21. PCs TCP/IP address: Open Command Prompt, type ipconfig, and the IPv4 address is your PCs TCP/IP address. The source port is now (locally) a SOCKS proxy. Maybe port 21 is firewalled or proftpd servise is stopped for some reason on Plesk.